Saturday, March 29, 2014

first post:

As with any new blog, there must come a new blog entry. I've never ventured into the world of blog writing, but as I miss writing in general, I found this "temporary" hobby to be useful for now. My name is Sebastian Sarria, and I currently live in Madrid, Spain, with my wonderful girlfriend, Shannon.

The focus of this blog will be mostly professional, or academic for that matter. Yes, there might be an occasional "personal" post, where I'll talk about my life in general, but for the most part, I will be focusing on environmental issues of interest to you. More specifically, I will focus on Climate Change, Sustainable Development, Policy, Natural Disasters, Poverty Eradication, and Urban Cities.

If the international community is faced with something more "press" popular, than I will write about that, as was, and still is the case with the current Ukrainian crisis, and the MH370 missing airplane.